The Canadian Association of Black Journalists exists to give rise to Black journalists.

CABJ Connects

CABJ Connects

From networking to job opportunities, CABJ wants to help you stay connected. Join our national network of media professionals and get access to

  • resources

  • employment and networking opportunities

  • a growing network of Black media professionals.

By adding your name to our database, you'll also have the option to make your profile public so potential employers can contact you directly.

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Casey Palmer


Casey is a Canadian Dad from Toronto, Ontario who shares his fatherhood journey at Casey Palmer, Canadian Dad, one of the few places to find fatherhood content in the Great White North. He shares his story because it’s different. He’s a Black father. He comes from a multiracial family. His family’s an urban family, looking to thrive in the city rather than run out to the suburbs like so many families have before them. This has his content come from a very unique place in Canada’s digital landscape, with Casey continually evolving it to tell the best story possible. And all that work’s been paying off—he’s been in traditional media, mentioned on websites and spoken on podcasts and stages dozens of times, and that’s when he’s not busy creating the thousands of pieces of content you can find on his blog, his podcast, and the social media sites that make up his digital home.


Twitter: @CaseP