The Canadian Association of Black Journalists exists to give rise to Black journalists.

CABJ Connects

CABJ Connects

From networking to job opportunities, CABJ wants to help you stay connected. Join our national network of media professionals and get access to

  • resources

  • employment and networking opportunities

  • a growing network of Black media professionals.

By adding your name to our database, you'll also have the option to make your profile public so potential employers can contact you directly.

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Kevin McShan


I have over 10 years of journalism experience.  I started in 2010. I have been producing sports podcasts since 2014.  I got into sports journalism because I love having the ability to provide people an escape, a sense of passion and comprehensive view of the world through one of the true bonding agents which brings all people together the love of sports. I also knew because of my cerebral palsy I wasn’t going to have the ability to play sports, but I knew I wanted a chance to be involved in participating in one of my passions in life the love of sports. My specific form of Cerebral palsy is: Spastic Quadriplegia.

Twitter: @McShan819