CABJ Connects: Speed Networking
This March, you can meet and greet some of the biggest names at The Globe and Mail one-on-one in a virtual meeting.
This March, you can meet and greet some of the biggest names at The Globe and Mail one-on-one in a virtual meeting.
Join the Canadian Association of Black Journalists as we celebrate the success of our Media Startup Bootcamp program! We’ll also be announcing the winners of five $5,000 grants.
This event commemorates the inaugural program, focused on equipping and empowering Black journalists across Canada to launch their own media platform.
Hosted by: Nadia Stewart, Executive Director of the CABJ
Speakers Include: Stachen Frederick, David Thurton, Lily Boisson, Mark Holmes and Camille Dundas
Location: Via Zoom
Click here to Register:
L'Association des journalistes noirs du Canada vous invite à un événement spécial
Noirs et journalistes au Canada: Les joies et les défis
Vendredi 9 octobre
18 h 30 - 19 h 30 HE
Modératrice: Omayra Issa, CBC
Maxime Bertrand, Radio-Canada
Didier Ormejuste, RDS
Maya Johnson, CTV News
Émilie Nicolas, Le Devoir
Merci de confirmer votre participation à
While the CABJ might be new to many, it is not new to the conversation of race and diversity in Canadian media.
Join us for a Q&A with Chronicle Herald Managing Editor Sheryl Grant!
CABJ presents J-School Noire Halifax
We're inviting all Black media professionals in Toronto to join us on Wednesday, February 19 at 7pm at The Huffington Post's office. We'll share the vision for the CABJ, as well as provide updates on future projects. No need to RSVP.