The Canadian Association of Black Journalists exists to give rise to Black journalists.

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The Latest from the CABJ

A Statement from the CABJ Board of Directors

The Canadian Association of Black Journalists (CABJ) has recently been made aware that board member Andray Domise/Q. Anthony Ali expressed support for Hamas, an organization designated as a terrorist group in Canada. We unequivocally state that this individual's views do not reflect the values of the CABJ.

While we respect everyone’s right to free speech, Andray Domise/Q. Anthony Ali’s comments on social media are harmful to the Jewish community and to the work and reputation of the CABJ. Additionally, his decision to publicly disclose internal CABJ emails without the knowledge or consent of the board constitutes a breach of trust.

Effective immediately, Andray Domise/Q. Anthony Ali is no longer a CABJ Board member.

The CABJ remains committed to maintaining the trust and confidence of its members and supporters, upholding the highest integrity and ethical conduct standards. We remain dedicated to advocating for Black journalists in Canada. We will not tolerate actions or statements that undermine our mission.


About the Canadian Association of Black Journalists: Founded in 1996, the Canadian Association of Black Journalists' (CABJ) mission is to increase representation through education and inspiration. We believe Black journalists must work together to diversify newsrooms, increase the number of Black media professionals in management positions in Canada, and educate and inspire a new generation of young Black journalists.