The Canadian Association of Black Journalists exists to give rise to Black journalists.

CABJ Connects

CABJ Connects

From networking to job opportunities, CABJ wants to help you stay connected. Join our national network of media professionals and get access to

  • resources

  • employment and networking opportunities

  • a growing network of Black media professionals.

By adding your name to our database, you'll also have the option to make your profile public so potential employers can contact you directly.

Get connected today!

Vernon Ramesar


Journalist with 28 years of broadcast experience. My radio and television work includes news production, reporting, on-air interviewing, and anchoring. Most of my work has been in Trinidad & Tobago -- an ethnically diverse market of 1.4 million with a vibrant media landscape. I have also been a freelance contributor of travel, culture, personality profile and business articles for numerous publications for the last 18 years. Past President of the Media Association of Trinidad & Tobago (2017-2019).

Twitter: @globewriter