The Canadian Association of Black Journalists exists to give rise to Black journalists.

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Nana aba Duncan


Nana aba Duncan is an award-winning broadcaster, and an advocate of underrepresented perspectives in journalism. She currently hosts CBC Radio One’s Podcast Playlist as well as Fresh Air, Ontario’s top-rated weekend morning show.

In 2015, Nana aba launched Media Girlfriends, a podcast that features women in media discussing bad-ass accomplishments, intersectionality, and Beyoncé. Media Girlfriends has grown to include events, student scholarships and a peer network supporting racialized and LGBTQ2+ women/non-binary people working in media.

Previously, Nana aba was country director with Journalists For Human Rights in Ghana. She won the Influencer Award at the 2020 International Women of Diversity Awards.

Nana aba holds a Master’s degree in Journalism from University of Western Ontario and is a William Southam Journalism Fellow this year at University of Toronto's Massey College where she will be studying the experiences of racialized and women leaders in Canadian media. Nana aba has been laughing loudly for a long time.


Twitter @Nanaaba